Wednesday, June 3, 2009



I get asked a lot about how I get movies and music. Of course I buy it…. Bull%$@! Are you kidding me. I download it just like everyone else does… or wants to, but doesn’t know how. The RIAA has screwed themselves on this one. They spent so many years trying to stop illegal downloads (which isn't going to happen!) instead of trying to figure out a solution to make a little profit on it and living with it. They managed to miss an entire generation of people that now don’t have any idea of the concept of “Buying” iPod Video Whitemusic. Unless you consider the ITunes brainwashed idiots… Lets see, a CD used to cost $12… now I can download a CD for .99 a song (12 songs = $12 dollars). Hey I’m still paying the same! and I don’t get a CD, case, book, etc… Hell, it isn’t even an mp3 file without DRM and I can’t share it with anybody. ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIDDING! The “IDrones” deserve to pay for there own stupidity. As for the more intelligent of us… I can get it for free and share all I want. DUH!!! I went to the theater the other day and it was $30 to get in for the 3 of us… then 2 popcorns and 3 drinks… another $30 dollars… What the $#%$!!!!  $60… and I haven’t even sat down yet. I went home and downloaded a free movie just for the hell of it.

 iTunes 7 Green

“With iTunes I don’t feel guilty when I download music-
Apple and the record labels handle the screw job for me.”
Click here for “The real ITunes Story” <---------------------


News Flash-

To the RIAA… Quit being ignorant in thinking you will ever stop file sharing… and quit screwing the artist

To everyone else… support your artist by going to their concerts (they certainly aren’t getting anything from ITunes)

Here is a quick list of my favorite…. ssshhh! torrent sites. (good all around family site) (requires free registration) (for all your TV shows)

And how do they arrive? –

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